I extend a huge Welcome 2 U!!!
enjoy the delights of my always Wandering, rarely SATISFIED curiosity. I am a flâneur, who loafs about amongst those things philosophical, humanist, Spiritual, creative, theatrical, Compositional, social, agitating, Gender bendy, emotional, embodied, Technological, NATURAL, New, Old, complementary, contradictory, traumatic, unsettling, and healing.
My musings and my work are sure to entertain or, at the very least, provoke you towards Your Own Wandering, flâneur-ING, ruminating, Expressing, obsessing, ContemplatIng…
I, Oliver Jane (“they/them”), HAve BEEN creating and producing original works in PhiladelphiA AND TORONTO SINCE 2013.
I currently reside in PHILADELPHIA where I dedicate myself to creating immersive installations, Visual Art, Video Projects, and theatrical exPeriments Meant to address the Nagging questions that Plague me.
My work walks a delicate line between clown, dance, performance art, art-installation and ritual experience.
I am a ‘Mad’ Identified Artist; living with and SUCCESSFULLY managing various experiences of neurodivergence (obsessive compulsive disorder, major depression, Complex PTSD, and a fun on-again off-again romance with psychosis).
In Philadelphia I have presented original work part of Between A Boat and Green Place at Bartram’s Garden, Four Weeks in January, FringeArt’s Scratch Night, INVISIBLE RIVER, and SoLow Fest. IN TORONTO I HAve PRODUCED original WORK IN WORKMAN ART’S RENDEZVOUS WITH MADNESS FESTIVAL (2018 and 2020), Creme Del La Femme, and The Good Vibrations Cabaret. In Cleveland, OHIO I produced original work in the Cleveland Public Theatre's Test Flight Festival (2018).
As a performer, I have appeared in David & Oliver: Mystic Masters (2016), Mad Forest (d. Alex Torra, 2014), 99 Breakups (Pig Iron Theatre Company, 2014), The West (d. Alex Bechtel, 2013), and Dinner With Madness (Goat Howl Theatre, 2018). I graduated summa cum laude from Drew University with a BA in Theatre Studies, and i am a graduate of the inaugural class at the Pig Iron School for Advanced Performance Training. In 2017, I completed my Master’s Degree in Devised Performance at the Pig Iron School/University of the Arts. In addition, I Am a teacher trained in the Jacques Lecoq’s tradition of performance and art-makinG, and I have experience teaching and training Actor/Devisers in PHILADELPHIA, PA, and Toronto, Ontario.
I spend a lot of time in deep meditation, contemplating my navel, riding my bike around philadelphia, Training other theatre makers, and teaching yoga. When I am Not working on an art project or teaching theatre You can find me Studying THERAPEUTIC applications of Yoga, studying social work at the university of Pennsylvania, and teaching Others the tools for health, wellness and healing.
Follow me on Instagram: @goathowltheatre